Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lightning Fast

This is my youngest son, Nate (and me, at Wendy's). He is my muse and greatest supporter. It was his idea to start this blog  and he has my comics career mapped out for me. Nate is a very funny kid and fun to hang out with. Not only that, he's a monster piano player. 

Friday, November 27, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hi! I wanted to introduce myself, since I am a new blogger/cartoonist. My name is Robin, I like to draw pictures among other things, and decided to share them here. I'm still trying to find my "comic voice" so to speak, so I will probably post a few different types of comics and hopefully will find something that I can settle on. For now, I'll post a few diary comics. I hope you will come back to visit and leave a comment... and I hope as I continue to draw and write comics I'll get better at it. I went to school to study music, so I have no finesse as an artist, but if it makes you smile or laugh, that's fine with me.