Friday, September 14, 2012

After School

 Today's comic features my 13 year old, Nathan. It's tricky to present a person adequately in comic form. I probably draw and portray myself the most accurately with my Hub being a close second. However, I started feeling a little inadequate today when I was informed by other members of my family that: 

"You just can't capture the awesome that is Nathan in a comic."

While that may be true, I think I'll keep trying.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

What, the Fork?

The Hub and I just spent four amazing days here:
On the North Shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota. It was idyllic, the weather was perfect and the moon romanced us every night! Like this:
Our trip was not without it's crazy moments. Like this lesson on "Fork Physics" that the Hub gave me one morning at breakfast. He gives breakfast lectures on electronics, philosophy and music techno gear too. I enjoyed this one about "capillary action" the most though. (And sorry for the overlooked misspelling. I'll have to go back and correct that one of these days.)