Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Poo is Here!

There's a little dude over at Mythfits-Comic.blogspot.com that I kind of fell in love with a few weeks ago. Imagine my joy when I found out I could have this little guy for my very own??? Today's comic is a little tribute to my newest buddy, "Poo" and his creator, Justin Winslow of Mythfits comic!

To see a truly fine rendering of the cutest little pile of poo you'll ever see, click here!

A Mythfits Super Fan has created a sweet little Poo Doll that will be available soon on Justin's site. I jumped on the bandwagon early and received my own Poo Doll just a couple of days ago and I LOVE IT!


And Poo on Birthday Cake!

He's the cutest!

Thanks to Dessy Tab  of Zpiderdzigh for creating the Poo Doll. Check out her site for other cute little creatures. 

Thanks Justin and Dessy!!!


  1. i just started reading that guy too! super awesome stuff! and it's always so crazy to me how much you look like how you draw yourself! haha i wish i could do that

  2. Pure . . . Disgusting Comedy. Whats not to love about it. There's even a crocheted poop! Thank you Robin for your shitty comic. :P
    I subscribed to mythfits too! It's excellent! I have to catch up.

  3. Thanks you guys... Allen, you made me laugh... Sam, I've been told many times that I look just like my drawings and my husband looks just like I draw him. Somehow I've been able to capture it. I don't really know anything about drawing I just try to copy what I see.

  4. A Poo cameo? That's hilarious!

    C'mon. You don't know anything about drawing? I don't believe that at all. Your stuff is wonderful.

  5. Well, Matt, I *feel* like I don't know much about drawing since I've never had any formal training. I just draw a lot and try to learn from all the great artists I know online :-)

  6. wow Robin, thanks for the mention, I'm really appreciate it :)
    I'm glad that Poo is having so much fun there
