Sunday, June 13, 2010

Humour de la Macabre

More experimentation with black and white... the process is painstaking, but the result is nice.


  1. Ha! I wasn't expecting that.

    And your textures may be painstaking but they look lovely. Nice work, Ms. Cain.

  2. ahhhh! black and white! love it! (and I completely understand how long it would do to draw that gradient with just dots!) this is fabulous! and made me really chuckle first thing on a monday morning... :) xxx

  3. Great work as always. Love the black and whote but also REALLY love your usual watercolours... This was a funny one! What else don't they like - fraud and tying shoe laces? :)

  4. Dang robin, if you can pull off doing just black and white all the time, you totally should. it looks AWESOME

  5. and Jake Gyllenhaal. yuck. you could punch him for my birthday present.
